Santa Clara Valley Darts Association

SCVDA League Documents

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League Schedules

A Division
(147.29KB - 2024/03/06)

B Division
(176.43KB - 2024/03/06)

C Division
(158.7KB - 2024/03/06)

Score Sheets

A Division
(42KB - 2024/03/06)

B Division
(38.69KB - 2024/03/06)

C Division
(37.21KB - 2024/03/06)

League Documents

League Sign Up Sheet
(17KB - 2007/01/29)

Captain's Cheat Sheet
(83.56KB - 2024/03/19)

Dart Board Setup
(68KB - 2008/02/05)

Dart Etiquette
(10KB - 2008/02/05)

Rules of Play
(350KB - 2008/11/27)

(600KB - 2008/01/31)

Division Placement Guidelines
(86KB - 2008/02/29)